Do Us a (Wedding) Favor

He loves motorcycles. She’s one-eyed and living it. We placed the two together and came up with a logo for this entertaining union.

IMG_6006The logo was part of Guada x Inaki’s customized bandannas. Here’s the bigger picture…

Eye_Do Guada Inaki

Eyeing the fun details…

These made-to-order bandannas were given away as wedding favors during Guada x Inaki’s European union. We’re sure they were especially useful for wiping those tears of joy/tears for fears as they said their “eye-do’s”.

Most people are familiar with the bandanna as a fashion accessory such as a head/neck scarf or fabric bracelet (and to wipe off sweat). Here’s how some of our favorite international photographers and photo editors wear their “Eye-Do’s” on their forehead…

Other uses for the handy bandanna… After eating, use it to wipe your hands. How about as aromatherapy? Simply apply a few drops of essential oils onto your bandanna. Keep in your bar or closet. Need a little pick-me-up? Douse an energizing scent (such as citrus) mid-day to revitalize. Lavender at night to help you sleep and eucalyptus to battle the sniffles. Don’t forget to cover your sneeze with it… Bless you!

Then there are fans of “Furoshiki” (the Japanese way of wrapping things) which uses fabric as carriers for their packed meals, cookies or even a bottle of wine…

Click on a past entry here for more ways of the bandanna.



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